Wednesday, May 9, 2007

burn baby burn

this morning I woke up in Ashley's room and realized that all of my personal belongings were in Emily's car- clothes, toothbrush, hamster, portfolio, underwear. I looked at Ashley sleeping and recalled the moment at 4 am when they had turned the electricity back on with a LOUD bang and Ashley grabbed me and started screaming. I'd slept in his room to assure myself "If I'm gonna burn alive tonight someone's going with me". At 2 am I woke up to someone stumbling around the pool and then coming to the open sliding glass door. I woke with a gasp of dread that I was about to be evacuated, again, but it was just David looking for the keys to the van. "Sorry guys! Looks like they got the fire under control" he said, helicopter flying low overhead. "I went down the street to my friends, I opened the trunk and it was just cats and records everywhere" reminding me of the recent birth of the cutest 5 kittens ever and his two cats Sneech and Snooch. I love these boys for keeping me safe.

Emily took my hamster over to Colins where tiny Jenny Garth was taken out and played with which was probably kind of scary and exciting for her. This morning when Emily picked me up we unloaded the car and I rehung all my clothes. "I was really scared when they were evacuating us, all the red and fire engines and stuff" I said as I put my room back together, pulling out random things Emily had packed as my "unburnables"- these consisted of a signed copy of "less than zero", "faeries" by Brian Froud (also signed...and embaressing) "Real life real Spice" biography of the Spice girls (I don't even know where she found that) some really AWFUL elementary pics, tarot cards (would have come in real handy), portfolio (thank God for Emily), and- dun dun dun- my senior High School yearbook...

...which should have been left in a fire the day it was printed.

"hey Kim, great having you in science class. Crumpets and tea!! Have a great summer!"

No really, I will.

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